
Please find below the latest copy of our Curriculum for all sites for your information.     [pdf-embedder url="" title="The Child is the Curriculum"]...

Welcome back, we are so happy to see you all after an extremely challenging time. Important dates to remember: 23rd October to 30th October 2020 – Half Term- Closed to funded children Fees and Dinners As most of...

Welcome back, we are so happy to see you all after an extremely challenging time. As you are all aware the Before and After school Club was closed at the end of March due to...

Monday 7th September Start of new term Fri 16th October Grant children break up for 2 wks Wednesday 28th October All nursery workshop and parent/carer meetings 9:30 - 10:30 All parents/carers welcome Monday 2nd November Grant children back in Friday 6th December Upper pre-school  Christmas concert 9:30 - 10:30 Monday...

Hi all we hope you are all well we just wanted to inform you we are back open and having lots of fun. We have a risk assessment in place that is working really well...