Dates for your diary September 2020 – August 2021

Monday 7th September

Start of new term

Fri 16th October

Grant children break up for 2 wks

Wednesday 28th October

All nursery workshop and parent/carer meetings

9:30 – 10:30

All parents/carers welcome

Monday 2nd November

Grant children back in

Friday 6th December

Upper pre-school  Christmas concert

9:30 – 10:30

Monday 14th December

Fun and games and fancy dress

Friday 18th December

Jumper day and Christmas party

Grant children break up

Grant children (15 hours only) not in for 2 weeks

Monday 21st December

Christmas dinner day

Thursday 24th December

Nursery closes at 2pm

Friday 25th December – Friday 1st January 2021

Nursery closed

Monday 4th January

Nursery re-opens 7.30

Grant children return

Friday 12th  February

Grant children break up

w/c 15th February

I/2 term 1 week

Grant children (15 hours only) not in for 1 week

Thursday 18th February

Workshop and parent meetings for all nursery children

All parents/carers welcome

Monday 22nd  February

Grant children return

Thursday 1st April

Grant children break up

Grant children (15 hours only) not in for 2 weeks

Friday 2nd April

Good Friday bank hol

Nursery closed

Monday 5th April

Easter Monday

Nursery closed

April half term tbc


Wednesday 7th April

Workshop and parent meetings all children

All parents welcome

Monday 19th April

Grant children return

Monday  3rd  May

May Day

Nursery closed

Friday 28th May

Grant children break up

w/c 31st May

I/2 term 1 week

Grant children (15 hours only) not in for 1 week

Monday 31st May

Bank holiday

Nursery closed

Monday 7th June

Grant children return

w/c 21st June

End of year trip

Venue to be confirmed

w/c 5th july

Graduation photos

Friday 16th July

Grant children graduation

9:30 – 10:30

Friday 23rd July

Grant children finish for the summer

Friday 20th August

Full time children graduation

6:00 – 7:00

Friday 27th August

All school leavers finish

Monday 30th august

Bank holiday

Nursery closed

Thursday 2nd September

New term starts